Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Missing blogger found alive!!

My apologies if your search for a ‘missing blogger’ took you to this page. I am just being polite here, I know for a fact that the google crawlers aren’t dumb enough to take my post tile seriously. Anyway, I’ve been absconding from bogsphere for over 4 months; now am back and has a lot of catching up to do.

The last time I tried writing was way back in January, on the Gaza issue. I made no less than five attempts over a period of two weeks and each time I ended up losing my mind. I realize the Israel-Palestine issue is not political and to which you cannot find a political solution, until and unless people on either side realize the value of human life. I hope to write more on this someday.

My sister got married in February. It was one blitzkrieg wedding; planned and executed in just ten days. Less than a week after the wedding I flew to the UAE. I, being the master of bad-career-moves had resigned my job in Bangalore a few months earlier, hoping to find a better one abroad.

In UAE, I had three months to find a job and thanks to all the busted banks in the US, job openings were very rare. Finally after two months, I got into one of the telecom companies. Now that my visa has expired, am back home, hoping my company would send me an employment visa in the near future.

Enough bragging for one day, I promise I’ll post better stuff hereafter. I just wanted to get things moving all over again. Noticed how I avoided the term writers block? That’s because am an aspiring writer and will always be :)


cutestangel said...

good luck in the employment front.Having writers block is nothing to worry because you can ger inspired by writing about your writers block!!!lolz

cutestangel said...

good luck in the employment front.Having writers block is nothing to worry because you can ger inspired by writing about your writers block!!!lolz

Adisha said...

Welcome back to blogging :D Congrats on your sister's wedding and best of luck for your job visa... I know how it is regards work visas and I truly sympathize...

Keep up the good faith !! :)


Unknown said...

welcome back man,and i'll wait for the next post


CRD said...

lots of things happening at ur end...which means u actually had lots to write about. Shame on u for being away from blogospere for 4 months :P